HIV and Hepatitis C in Prisons

This is a series of 13 info sheets on HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C in prisons.HIV and hepatitis C in prisons: the factsHigh-risk behaviours in prisonsHIV and hepatitis C transmission in prisonPrevention: condomsPrevention: bleachPrevention: needle and syringe...

HIV/AIDS Policy & Law Review 13(2/3) December 2008

FEATURELegislation contagion: building resistanceCANADIAN DEVELOPMENTSResults of the first North American prescription heroin study are promisingNew excessive demand policy for immigration applicantsBritish Columbia adopts E-Health Act(Most) political parties...

Access to Medicines and Intellectual Property: An International Expert Meeting on Canada’s Access to Medicines Regime, Global Developments, and New Strategies for Improving Access

From 19–21 April 2007, in Ottawa, Canada, the North-South Institute and the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network jointly organized an international expert meeting to discuss Canada’s Access to Medicines Regime, broader global developments related to...

HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review 12(2/3) December 2007

FEATURESLegislation contagion: the spread of problematic new HIV laws in Western AfricaDrug treatment courts in Canada: an evidence-based reviewUse of soft law to address HIV/AIDS in Southeast AsiaCANADIAN DEVELOPMENTSSupervised injection facility granted another...