HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review 12(2/3) December 2007

FEATURESLegislation contagion: the spread of problematic new HIV laws in Western AfricaDrug treatment courts in Canada: an evidence-based reviewUse of soft law to address HIV/AIDS in Southeast AsiaCANADIAN DEVELOPMENTSSupervised injection facility granted another...

Drug Use and HIV/AIDS in Thailand

A series of six info sheets on legal and ethical issues related to drug use and HIV/AIDS in Thailand.HIV and HCV in Thailand: implications for national drug policyHarm reduction: lessons from the regionSterile syringe programsOpioid substitution treatmentOutreach and...

HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review 12(1) May 2007

FEATURESMale circumcision and HIV prevention: a human rights and public health challengeCommentary: Engendering bold leadership against HIV/AIDSCANADIAN DEVELOPMENTSSubcommittee fails to recommend legal reforms needed to promote human rights of sex workersConservative...

PWN annual report 2006-2007

The PWN resources in Sage can be reproduced and adapted for non-commercial use with credit to the author. Please note that resources are being shared for archival reference and may contain information that is now out-of-date.

Access to Medicines and Intellectual Property: An International Expert Meeting on Canada’s Access to Medicines Regime, Global Developments, and New Strategies for Improving Access

From 19–21 April 2007, in Ottawa, Canada, the North-South Institute and the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network jointly organized an international expert meeting to discuss Canada’s Access to Medicines Regime, broader global developments related to...