HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review 10(3) December 2005

TABLE OF CONTENTSFEATURESInjection drug use, HIV/AIDS and incarceration: evidence from the Vancouver Injection Drug Users StudyLegal Network report calls for decriminalization of prostitution in CanadaCANADIAN DEVELOPMENTSReport calls for changes to the law to improve...

HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review 10(2) August 2005

TABLE OF CONTENTSFEATURESThe criminalization of HIV transmission in England and Wales: questions of law and policyCANADIAN DEVELOPMENTSHIV disclosure no longer required on application form for temporary resident visaSafer tattooing piloted in six federal...

HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review 10(1) April 2005

TABLE OF CONTENTSFEATURESHIV/AIDS and human rights: we’ve only just begunA long way from there to here: human rights approaches to HIV/AIDS in a local settingProtection against discrimination based on HIV/AIDS status in Canada: the legal frameworkCANADIAN...

HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review 9(2) August 2004

TABLE OF CONTENTSFEATURESHuman rights and HIV/AIDS in the context of 3 by 5: time for new directions?Harm-reduction activism: a case study of an unsanctioned user-run safe injection siteCANADIAN NEWSCanada announces new funding for domestic and global fight against...

HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review 9(1) April 2004

TABLE OF CONTENTSFEATUREHIV treatments, vaccines, and microbicides: toward coordinated advocacyCANADIAN NEWSQuébec: An outbreak of HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discriminationAlberta: New bill will allow for mandatory HIV testing in emergency situationsMedia frenzy...