HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review 3(2–3) Spring 1997

 TABLE OF CONTENTSFEATURESGuidelines on HIV/AIDS and Human RightsSupreme Court to Hear Cuerrier CaseTesting of Pregnant Women: Issues and OptionsTESTING AND CONFIDENTIALITYHIV Testing and Confidentiality: A Discussion PaperHIV Testing in Pregnancy: A Duty or a...

HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review 3(1) October 1996

 TABLE OF CONTENTSFEATURESHIV Testing and Confidentiality Issues ReexaminedCompassionate Access to Investigational TherapiesHIV/AIDS and Aboriginal CommunitiesXI INTERNATIONAL AIDS CONFERENCEWhat Did We Learn? Legal and Ethical Issues at the Vancouver...

HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review 2(4) July 1996

TABLE OF CONTENTSFEATURESHuman Rights, Women and HIVNeedle Exchange in Prisons: An OverviewUS Appeal Courts Rule in Favour of Assisted SuicideTESTING & CONFIDENTIALITYProject Begins Work on Testing and Confidentiality IssuesUS — Hospital Sued Over...

HIV/AIDS in Prisons: Final Report

The Final Report and its appendicesreview the history of the response to HIV/AIDS in prisons, nationally and internationally;present relevant new developments in the area;examine whether there is a legal and/or ethical obligation to provide prisoners with the means...

HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review 2(3) April 1996

TABLE OF CONTENTSFEATURESAIDS and Overdose Deaths in British ColumbiaDrug Laws and HIV/AIDSPublic Health and "The Unwilling and Unable"DRUG POLICYAccess to Sterile Needles for Young People under the Age of 14Bill C-7: An UpdateDISCRIMINATIONTransgendered...

HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review 2(2) January 1996

TABLE OF CONTENTSFEATURESThird HIV/AIDS Strategy NeededHIV-Specific Criminal Offence ProposedInterventions in Perinatal HIV TransmissionCRIMINAL JUSTICEJoint Project on Criminalization of HIV TransmissionCriminalization of HIV Transmission: A Literature ReviewCriminal...

Criminal Law and HIV/AIDS: Final Report

The Final Report and its appendices review the cases of criminal prosecution that have arisen in Canada; the academic commentary; policy recommendations from various groups and organizations; proposed amendments to the Criminal Code; and the comments on the...