Established in 1991 as a collaboration between HIV-positive and HIV-negative women, Positive Women’s Network was born of a recognition that biological, social, and political factors put women at increased risk of HIV infection, as well as create particular challenges for women living with HIV.

Positive Women’s Network led initiatives to promote women-centred health, public education, and research on HIV and hepatitis C and supported women living in British Columbia in making informed choices about HIV and hepatitis C health and a wide range of concurrent issues. PWN also delivered free comprehensive training for service providers across the province, and their educational resources were distributed across the country.

Positive Women’s Network closed its doors in 2017 in response to the shifting landscape of HIV and hepatitis C services, especially as these relate to women, as well as the challenge in sustaining long-term funding to run their programs. The PWN resources in Sage are being shared for archival reference and can be reproduced and adapted for non-commercial use with credit to the author. Please note that resources may contain information that is out-of-date as they are no longer being reviewed or updated.


HIV and hep C transmission poster

Année de publication : 2013
This poster was designed at the request of transition houses, where misinformation about HIV and hepatitis C abound. Simplicity in design and messaging was required.

20 Years of Challenging HIV

Année de publication : 2011
We marked the 20th anniversary of Positive Women's Network with a short film made with some of the women who use our drop-in space.
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