Sex, Drugs & Bingo

Sex, Drugs & Bingo is an interactive game for adults available to anyone looking to raise awareness about sexual health and syphilis in Manitoba among those who are sexually active and/or inject drugs. Download all 3 files (11 bingo cards, caller cards and...

STBBI prevalence in correctional settings fact sheet

This is a fact sheet aimed at Health Care Workers, particularly those who work in Correctional Health Care settings. It presents the prevalence of Sexually Transmitted and Blood-Borne Infections (STBBIs) among people who are incarcerated, compared to the overall...

Deck of STBBI fact playing cards

The accompanying printer proof is for a deck of playing cards created by the You Matter: Pathways to STBBI (Sexually Transmitted and Blood-Borne Infections) Care Team at BC Centre for Disease Control. The cards contain basic STBBI, health, and fun facts. The printer...

WHAI Overdose Poster – 2020

A poster to recognize the ongoing deaths and grief due to the overdose crisis. This poster also acknowledges the challenges facing women due to COVID-19 pandemic which has also seen a rise in overdose deaths. This poster can be used for Overdose Awareness Day and/or...