- Criminalizing HIV transmission or exposure: the context of francophone West and Central Africa
- MSM law in francophone Africa and the fight against AIDS: the hypocrisy of certain countries
- British Columbia project seeks to improve access to HIV treatment and care among hard-to-reach populations
- Multi-million dollar AIDS vaccine project cancelled
- Surveys in Quebec reveal workplace discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS
- Historic trauma contributes to high rates of hepatitis C among Aboriginal youth: study
In brief
- The National Institute of Public Health of Quebec voices support for supervised injection sites
- Prorogation of Parliament impedes progress of drug legislation
- Québec City by-law on drug paraphernalia could hinder the work of harm reduction programs
- Kenyan government to establish special tribunal for HIV-related issues
- South Africa: new policy means more opportunities for HIV-positive soldiers
In brief
- South Korea’s lifting of HIV travel ban is misleading
- Zimbabwe’s constitutional reform process presents opportunity to protect rights of HIV-positive people
- Australia’s HIV policies regarding refugees criticized as discriminatory
- Tajikistan piloting prison-based needle and syringe programs
- B.C. Court of Appeal upholds supervised injection site’s right to operate
- Ontario court justice dismisses class action suit of persons notified of exposure to tuberculosis
- Coroner’s jury recommends improved care for HIV-positive prisoners
- Ontario court strikes civil suit against Toronto and Ontario for failing to protect plaintiff from contracting HIV
- HIV-positive Zimbabwean couple’s refugee claim accepted on the basis of their political affiliation
- Federal Court dismisses appeal in permanent residence case, says personal commitments to pay for HIV treatment are unenforceable
- Federal Court orders review of prospective immigrants’ plan to obtain private insurance for HIV medication
- Criminal law and cases of HIV transmission or exposure
- South Africa: ANC Youth League President found guilty of hate speech
- High Court in India decides property dispute in favour of HIV-positive widow
- HIV-positive worker in Ecuador takes his employer to court for discrimination
- Criminal law and cases of HIV transmission or exposure
In brief
- Malawi: country’s first same-sex wedding ceremony results in criminal charges
- India: Supreme Court justices advise legalizing prostitution
- Bombay: High Court asks government to consider conjugal visits
- Chinese teacher sentenced to three years in jail for jabbing students with syringe