The Positive Side (Spring 2020): Stigma, Sex and Safety

Health and wellness magazine for people living with HIV. In this issue: positive trans women; the overdose crisis; CATIE’s U=U campaign; viral load blips; the Victoria Cool Aid Society; Q&A on CBD; designer and activist Juan Saavedra.

Curing hepatitis C: What you need to know

This client booklet is for all people who have been diagnosed with hepatitis C. It provides simple and essential information on hepatitis C treatment and cure. It includes information on the high cure rates, the benefits of being cured, what to expect during treatment...

Curing hepatitis C: What you need to know if you use drugs

This client booklet is for people who use drugs and have been diagnosed with hepatitis C. It contains basic information on  the high cure rates, the benefits of being cured, what to expect during treatment, testing tips for people with bad veins, preventing overdose...

The Positive Side (Spring 2019): Freedom Fighter

Health and wellness magazine for people living with HIV. In this issue: profile of LGBTQ activist Gareth Henry; Indigenous healing; anal cancer; advice from poz women; leadership training for people living with HIV; Q&A on diet and HIV; the inspiring story of...

HIV and Emotional Wellness

This CATIE booklet for people living with HIV explores common emotional health concerns—such as stress, anxiety, depression and addictions. It offers practical advice on how to achieve and sustain a healthy mind in a healthy body. Revised 2018.

Indigenous Communities: HIV, Privacy and Confidentiality

Knowing your rights and responsibilities when it comes to HIV disclosure, privacy and confidentiality is an important way to protect your privacy. This guide provides answers to common questions on disclosure, privacy and confidentiality in the health care settings,...

Know Your Rights: Guide for Parents Living with HIV

This resource was produced for parents or prospective parents living with HIV, including women, transgender men and non-binary people. Its aim is to provide practical information and to foster knowledge about some of the main areas of concern that parents living with...