HIV/AIDS Policy & Law Review 13(1) July 2008

FEATURESDelivery past due: global precedent set under Canada’s Access to Medicines RegimeDeveloping guidance for HIV prosecutions: an example of harm reduction?Access to condoms in U.S. prisonsCANADIAN DEVELOPMENTSLegislation imposing mandatory minimum sentences...

HIV and Hepatitis C in Prisons

This is a series of 13 info sheets on HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C in prisons.HIV and hepatitis C in prisons: the factsHigh-risk behaviours in prisonsHIV and hepatitis C transmission in prisonPrevention: condomsPrevention: bleachPrevention: needle and syringe...

A human rights analysis of the N’Djamena model legislation on AIDS and HIV-specific legislation in Benin, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Sierra Leone and Togo

This paper analyses the recent HIV-specific legislation of seven Central and West African countries from the perspective of human rights. These seven laws (the “laws under consideration”) are:the “Law on prevention, care and control of...