Vivre avec la co-infection VIH/hépatite C

Cette brochure rédigée à l'intention des personnes vivant avec le VIH et l'hépatite C offre d'importants renseignements sur la façon de vivre avec ces deux virus. On y aborde des sujets tels que l'ABC du VIH et de l'hépatite C, les effets d'une...

Know Your Rights, Use Your Rights

This handbook was written by a team of legal experts and reviewed by community activists working for improving the human rights situation of people with HIV and key populations most at risk of HIV. It is intended for people with HIV, people who are at higher risk of...

Human Rights Are My Rights

In July 2014, International AIDS Conference delegates from all over the world had their say on the importance of human rights for people living with and affected by HIV. Watch this video to hear what they had to say.