Safer sex promotion Resources

This is a resource APAA developed targeting African Caribbean Black community members. The objective of the resource is to promote safer sex as a mutual responsibility of partners . Promoting safer sex is imperative to reduce the transmission of HIV and other STIs....

Témoin d’une surdose? Appelez le 911 immédiatement

Alors que la crise de surdoses mortelles continue de battre son plein, au Canada, le Réseau juridique canadien VIH/sida en collaboration avec le Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council a imprimé 50 000 cartes de format portefeuille offrant de l’information...

SPEAK Pocket Guide

This resource was created as a discreet engagement tool for ACB communities. This tool is an effective method to educate those from all generations, concerned about HIV in the ACB community.Designed in a pocket size to make it easy to carry and afford discretion to...