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En 2016, nous avons entrepris un processus de planification pour établir nos orientations stratégiques des cinq années suivantes (2017–2022), notamment en invitant les points de vue de nos membres, partenaires clés et supporteurs.Voice le plan stratégique 2017-2022 du Réseau juridique canadien VIH/sida.
The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network’s strategic plan, Respect, Protect, Fulfill: A Human Rights Response to HIV sets out the goals for the organization over the next five years.
Drug policy is at a critical juncture in Canada, and we need our elected representatives to put even greater emphasis on public health objectives and outcomes, respecting human rights for all. Welcome steps have been taken on this front following the 2015 election, including restoring harm reduction as a key pillar of Canada’s drug strategy,…
Il est à présent reconnu, non seulement par les travailleuse(-eur)s du sexe, mais également par un large éventail d’organismes de défense des droits humains, notamment Amnistie internationale, Human Rights Watch, l’Alliance mondiale contre la traite des femmes et le Center for Health and Gender Equity, par des organes onusiens comme le Programme des Nations Unies…
People living with HIV are allowed to travel to Canada. However, HIV status is one factor considered by the Government of Canada when deciding if a person can stay in Canada for an extended period of time. This Q&A provides information on how Canadian immigration law and policy affect people living with HIV who wish…
« Nous nous réjouissons de la décision qu’a prise votre gouvernement de rétablir le financement du Programme de contestation judiciaire (PCJ). Nous vous félicitons pour votre engagement à « travailler sans relâche pour que le Canada soit plus diversifié, inclusif et équitable ». Nous partageons en outre les attentes de la ministre de la Justice selon…
“Globally, prisons disproportionately incarcerate people from marginalized communities, who, in turn, are disproportionately affected by conditions such as drug dependence, HIV, and hepatitis C virus. … Section 5(3)(a)(i)(D) of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (the “MMS Provision”) mandates that the persons to whom it applies serve a one year prison sentence, whatever their health condition. The MMS…
“Canada is a party to the three main UN drug control conventions, which aim to control illicit drugs by reducing supply and demand, in particular through requiring States Parties to adopt varying degrees of prohibitions and sanctions on a range of designated controlled substances, while also providing some degree of (often contested) flexibility for States…
This handbook was written by a team of legal experts and reviewed by community activists working for improving the human rights situation of people with HIV and key populations most at risk of HIV. It is intended for people with HIV, people who are at higher risk of HIV, as well as their partners and…
En avril 2014, le Réseau juridique canadien VIH/sida a organisé un atelier sans précédent, intitulé Rethinking HIV Non-Disclosure and Sexual Assault: A Feminist Dialogue [Repenser la non-divulgation du VIH et l’agression sexuelle : un dialogue féministe]. Approximativement 30 invité-es – des érudits du domaine sociojuridique, criminologues, militants antiviolence, chercheurs, étudiants de cycles supérieurs, personnes vivant avec le…