HIV disclosure acknowledgement form

An acknowledgement form that can be used by a person with HIV to record the disclosure of their HIV status to another person.The PWN resources in Sage can be reproduced and adapted for non-commercial use with credit to the author. Please note that resources are being...

African, Caribbean and Black Canadian HIV/ AIDS Awareness Day/Journée canadienne de sensibilisation au VIH/sida des communautés africaines, caraïbéennes et noires

 The Canadian HIV/AIDS Black, African and Caribbean Network (CHABAC) and its partners are pleased to announce the second annual African, Caribbean and Black Canadian HIV/AIDS Awareness Day on February 7, 2016. The African, Caribbean and Black Canadian HIV/AIDS...

Know Your Rights, Use Your Rights

This handbook was written by a team of legal experts and reviewed by community activists working for improving the human rights situation of people with HIV and key populations most at risk of HIV. It is intended for people with HIV, people who are at higher risk of...