HIV Stigma in African, Caribbean and Black Communities/ La stigmatisation liée au VIH dans les communautés africaines, caraïbéennes et noires

People from African, Caribbean and Black (ACB) communities face multiple forms of stigma and discrimination. HIV-related stigma is just one of these. The purpose of this fact sheet is to raise awareness among health and social service professionals about the...

Core Competencies for STBBI Prevention

The Core Competencies for STBBI Prevention reflect the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours that front-line service providers need in order to strengthen services and improve health outcomes for those at risk of sexually transmitted and other blood-borne...

Health Equity Impact Assessment Tool

The Health Equity Impact Assessment tool is designed to help you and your front-line organization examine any proposed initiative (e.g., policy, program, project, intervention, or service) to determine if it could unintentionally increase a population's...