Vous renseigner sur la transmission du VIH

Plus tôt cette année, le Réseau juridique, HALCO et PASAN ont produit à l’intention des personnes incarcérées une affiche répondant à des mythes répandus concernant la transmission du VIH. L’affiche sera installée dans les secteurs d’admission et de...

Got Balls? On-Site HIV testing

Created with the help of one of our clients to help promote on-site anonymous HIV rapid point of care testing.  This poster with two versions was used to get the attention of gay, bi and MSM to visit website to request appointment date/time.  In addition to...

Living with HIV

'Living with HIV' aims to bring awareness to the multiple challenges people living with HIV face.  Three posters make up this campaign – all contain the same messaging, only the imagery changes.  One image is a woman and the other two featuring...

HIV Stigma Campaign

HIV Stigma campaign was created with feedback from gay/bi/msm in the Durham Region using an online survey.  The sample with posters A and B are the original concepts that we posted on the survey.  30 men completed the survey.  A $100 Stag Shop gift card...